SKU #10408
Čepele do krabicových nožů (ostré)
Čepele do krabicových nožů Slice® 10408 mají ostrou špičku určenou pro případy, kdy potřebujete materiál před řezáním nejprve propíchnout. Jejich finger-friendly® hrana efektivně řeže a zároveň je bezpečná na dotyk. Stejně jako všechny bezpečnostní čepele Slice jsou i naše čepele do krabicových nožů nejiskřivé, nemagnetické a chemicky netečné. Nevyžadují žádné speciální mazání a nepodléhají korozi. Lze je použít u všech našich krabicových nožů, pen cutterů a mini cutterů.
- Druh čepele: ostrá
- Bezpečnější než tradiční čepele
- Efektivní finger-friendly® ostří
- Vydrží až 11,2krát déle než kovové čepele
- Méně výměn čepele = méně zranění
- Méně zranění, nižší náklady
- Nejiskřivé, nevodivé, nemagnetické
- Chemicky netečné, nepodléhající korozi
- Čepele nevyžadují mazání
- Ostrá špička snadno propíchne řezané materiály
- 100% recyklovatelné
- Čepele vydrží při teplotách od -40°C do 1600°C
- Kompatibilní rukojeti: 10400, 10474, 10475, 10476, 10495, 10503, 10512, 10513, 10514, 10515
- Jedno balení obsahuje 4 oboustranné čepele
- SKU #10408
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.012 kg x W x H

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Časté dotazy
What Are Box Cutter Blades (Pointed Tip) Used For?
Slice® box cutter blades (pointed tip) differ from our rounded tip blades in the way they initiate the cut. Rounded safety tips work well for most cuts but with some materials, the user needs the piercing action of a pointed tip to initiate a clean cut. For example, both shrink wrap and plastic banding benefit from the perforating action of a pointed tip.
Although we call these box cutter replacement blades, they actually work in several Slice tools, including both of our box cutters, both of our pen cutters, and our mini cutters.
Although we call these box cutter replacement blades, they actually work in several Slice tools, including both of our box cutters, both of our pen cutters, and our mini cutters.
Is it Easy to Replace Slice Box Cutter Blades?
As with all Slice ceramic blades, replacement is simple. The procedure varies depending on the tool, but nearly all Slice blade replacements are tool free. We strive to make things as easy as possible for our customers.
When you search how to change a box cutter blade, you’ll find many dangerous options for traditional ceramic or steel blades, including sharp, jagged snap-off blades and multi-step procedures that require extra tools. Slice’s finger-friendly® edge and easy-to-handle blades make replacement a quick and simple job.
With Slice safety blades, blade disposal is easy too. None of our rounded-tip blades require sharps disposal boxes for disposal. Pointed-tip blades might require sharps disposal, depending on your workplace or personal preferences. All our blades are recyclable, as well. If facilities don’t exist near you, ship your blades to Slice and we’ll recycle them for you.
When you search how to change a box cutter blade, you’ll find many dangerous options for traditional ceramic or steel blades, including sharp, jagged snap-off blades and multi-step procedures that require extra tools. Slice’s finger-friendly® edge and easy-to-handle blades make replacement a quick and simple job.
With Slice safety blades, blade disposal is easy too. None of our rounded-tip blades require sharps disposal boxes for disposal. Pointed-tip blades might require sharps disposal, depending on your workplace or personal preferences. All our blades are recyclable, as well. If facilities don’t exist near you, ship your blades to Slice and we’ll recycle them for you.
How Often Do I Need to Replace My Box Cutter Blade?
When it comes to Slice blades, replacement is as infrequent as it is easy. Independent third-party testing has proven that Slice blades last, on average, 11.2 times longer than steel blades. That means you’ll be changing your blades much less often, significantly reducing your chances of injury.