SKU #10597
Samozatahovací rozparovač
Samozatahovací rozparovač Slice® 10597 najde využití v průmyslech, které nepovolují fixní čepele, a jistě ho ocení i všichni ti, kteří hledají bezpečnější alternativu polohovatelného rozparovače. Zatahovací rozparovače jsou sice na trhu k dostání, ale Slice představuje úplně první verzi s čepelemi z pokrokové keramiky. Tyto bezpečnostní čepele Slice se navíc pyšní naším unikátním finger-friendly® ostřím. Rukojeti rozparovačů Slice jsou dlouhé a tenké a vyrobené z odolného skleněného nylonu. Jsou kompatibilní s našimi zaoblenými i ostrými čepelemi do rozparovačů.
- Druh čepele: zaoblená do rozparovačů (10536)
- Odolná nylonová rukojeť
- Obouruký design
- Kompatibilní čepele: 10536, 10537
- Finger-friendly® ostří vydrží až 11krát déle než kov
- Chemicky netečná čepel nepodléhající korozi
- Nejiskřivá, nevodivá, nemagnetická čepel
- Čepel nevyžaduje mazání
- Méně zranění, nižší náklady
- Výměna čepele bez nářadí
- SKU #10597
Great for:
- Cutting string and thread
- Removing stitches and opening buttonholes
- Deburring soft plastics
- Hooking and slicing film
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: GFN, POM, stainless steel, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.03 kg x W x H

Blade Replacement for Slice Seam Rippers
Související produkty
Časté dotazy
What Are the Most Popular Retractable Seam Ripper Uses?
Traditional seam rippers aren’t retractable, but demand for such a tool has increased as industries and consumers alike look for safer alternatives to traditional tools. As such, retractable seam rippers are used by people who are primarily concerned with safety.
How Is the Slice Auto-Retractable Seam Ripper Unique?
Slice pushes the boundaries of the conventional retractable seam ripper definition by introducing a new kind of blade never before seen on the market: an advanced ceramic blade. And while we’re at it, of course we don’t use unnecessarily sharp advanced ceramics, which pose the same risk for lacerations as overly sharp metal blades. The edges of all our blades are finger friendly®, which means they cut effectively and are safer to touch. Choose from the installed 10536 rounded-tip blade or the 10537 pointed-tip version.
Which Blades Should I Use?
As with all our tools, the blade you use depends on your application and your priorities. In general, a rounded-tip blade is safer, as it’s less likely to cause accidental punctures. If, however, the material you need to cut requires a pointed tip to initiate the cut, you’ll have to forego the protection of a rounded tip in favor of better usability.
How Do I Change the Blade in the 10597 Seam Ripper?
As with all Slice tools, our seam rippers have an easy, no-tool blade change. To do this,
1) Hold the seam ripper so that the slider is on top and the small grey nub is on the bottom.
2) Make sure the blade is fully retracted, as the blade-change cap cannot be removed when the blade is extended.
3) To remove the blade-change cap, push in the grey nub with your thumb and tilt the bottom of the cap away from the handle, as though there is an invisible hinge between the top of the cap and the top of the handle. Pull the cap away.
4) Once the cap is removed, extend the blade fully and remove it from its (green/orange) housing.
5) Place the new blade in the housing, ensuring that the notch lines up properly.
6) Retract the blade fully and replace the blade-change cap by hinging it back on with the same angle you used to remove it.
1) Hold the seam ripper so that the slider is on top and the small grey nub is on the bottom.
2) Make sure the blade is fully retracted, as the blade-change cap cannot be removed when the blade is extended.
3) To remove the blade-change cap, push in the grey nub with your thumb and tilt the bottom of the cap away from the handle, as though there is an invisible hinge between the top of the cap and the top of the handle. Pull the cap away.
4) Once the cap is removed, extend the blade fully and remove it from its (green/orange) housing.
5) Place the new blade in the housing, ensuring that the notch lines up properly.
6) Retract the blade fully and replace the blade-change cap by hinging it back on with the same angle you used to remove it.